oh hey.


i know we just met,

but i'm gonna hug you.


Hendrix Six Months | Atascocita Baby Photographer

I absolutely adore this little boy and his sweet parents! The rain, yet again, tried to get in our way, but in the end we got a beautiful session with lush green grass and a beautiful sunset in a new location that I had been dying to try out. Sadly, this same location flooded just two weeks later from Harvey, but things should be drying up soon.


So Hendrix’s gorgeous momma had some cute ideas for this milestone in her baby boy’s life. She wanted her little man to have a bubble bath in a washtub- which he enjoyed so much and now I wish I had done the same with my kiddos! AND she wanted to mark the fact that they have made it six months in their breastfeeding journey. I loved that she wanted that documented, as most mommas know it is not an easy journey, but one that is beautiful and precious, no matter how much time amounts in the end.


I  can’t wait to see what ideas are in store for this little boy’s first birthday!

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