oh hey.


i know we just met,

but i'm gonna hug you.


Hyde Maternity | Spring Maternity Photographer

This session was full of little blessings and I adored every minute. Kali and I had been playing hide and seek with the sun and dry ground for nearly a month (which is really stressful when it comes to maternity sessions). I wanted her to have a beautiful session and not have to pay for hair & makeup more than once, and Kali agreed ;). It was getting a little too close to her due date, the sky was gorgeous, there was no rain in the forecast, so I told her to get ready. As she was leaving Baytown from getting dolled up, the sky opened up and drenched Houston. Soaked it. Dark clouds and all. I told her we were going to make it work and prayed my entire drive. It literally rained right up until I parked and got out of my car. God parted the clouds and gave us a GORGEOUS sunset. Fast forward about 30 minutes later . . . the Hydes brought their fur baby for a few shots, and I positioned him just like I would a child, right between his parents. That dog would NOT look at me or his owners for anything, but the moment I asked Kali to kiss her husband, he popped his head up to look. I about melted. So basically we had the most perfect maternity session.

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